AeGS: An Interactive Approach for Generating Automatic e-Lesson


  • Thành C Võ Saigon Technology University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
  • Đức Long Lê Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Vietnam
  • An Tế Nguyễn Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Sciences , Vietnam

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AeGS, Knowledge Graph (KG), sub-KG, prime idea (pi), e-Course, eLesson


In the learning-teaching field, knowledge is known as the necessary learning content (including lessons and materials) for supplying to the learner basing on learning goal, and it is also one of main factors in learning process. Designing and building the learning content "logicality "completeness " and "pedagogical quality " are necessary and quite challenge taskfor teaching and learning in the traditional learning and on-line learning environment.

In this paper, we propose a general architecture and related components of Automatic eLesson Generating System (AeGS). The proposed system is based on structured Knowledge Base; it aims at satisfying the demånds of two main factors in teaching-learning process such as support for instructors to construct learning contents and support for learners in self-study or reviewing their knowledge.

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How to Cite

Võ , T. C., Lê , Đức L., & Nguyễn , A. T. (2009). AeGS: An Interactive Approach for Generating Automatic e-Lesson. Journal of Technical Education Science, 4(3), 64–75. Retrieved from



Research Article
