Intelligent Control System based on Wavelet Type-2 Fuzzy Neural network Design For Robot System


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Wavelet function, Type-2 fuzzy system, Brain imitated controller, Two-joint robot manipulator, Sliding mode control


In this paper, we propose a wavelet type-2 fuzzy brain imitated controller (WT2FBIC) for nonlinear robotic systems. The suggested method combines a wavelet type-2 fuzzy system (WT2FS) and a brain imitated controller (BIC) to improve learning efficiency. The system's inputs, which comprise a sensory and an emotional channel, eventually lead to the network's output. The WT2FBIC parameter update rules use the Lyapunov theory and the gradient descent method. To correct for the WT2FBIC in a main controller, a robust controller can be used for compensation. Robots find applications in a wide variety of industries thus the proposed WT2FBIC-based control system is used to control nonlinear robotic systems. In this work, a two-jointed robotic manipulator control system used the proposed method is demonstrated. The comparison of the proposed method with recent methods point out the effectiveness of the proposed method. The simulation results indicate that the proposed control approach provides good control performance.

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Author Biography

Duc-Hung Pham, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education, Hung Yen, Vietnam

Pham Duc Hung was born in Hung Yen Province, Vietnam, in 1983. He received the B.S. degree in Automatic Control from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, in 2006, the M.S. degree in Automation from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, in 2011, and he received Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, in 2022. He is also a Lecturer with Faculty Electrical and Electronic, Hung Yen University of technical and education, Vietnam. His research interests include fuzzy logic control, neural network, cerebellar model articulation controller, brain emotional learning-based intelligent controller, fault tolerant control, secure communication and robot control.

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How to Cite

Duc-Hung Pham. (2024). Intelligent Control System based on Wavelet Type-2 Fuzzy Neural network Design For Robot System. Journal of Technical Education Science, 19(Special Issue 02), 66–76.