Performance Evaluation of a PID Sliding Surface and Radial Basis Function Neural Network for Mobile Robot


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PID, Radial basis function neural network, Sliding mode control, Mobile robot, MATLAB/Simulink


A proportional integral derivative sliding surface (PIDSS) and radial basis function neural network (RBF-NN) for Mobile robot are applied in this study. This robot has many advantages such as simple structure, energy saving, high moving speed, and low production costs. The sliding mode control (SMC) controller using PIDSS (PIDSS-SMC) is designed so that the robot’s actual output approaches the standard input and reduces the chattering phenomena around the sliding surface. The RBF-NN is used to approximate the nonlinear components in the Pw matrix of the PIDSS-SMC controller. The weights of this neural network are trained online using the Gradient Descent algorithm. Lyapunov theory is used to prove the stability of the system. The actual output of the xw and yw converges to the reference xd and yd with the steady-state error  converges to zero, the rising time reaches 0.0832s and 0.0764s, the settling time is 0.1309s and 0.1226s, the overshoot is 0.0042% and 0.0055%, respectively, and the chattering phenomena was reduced.

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Author Biographies

Trung Hieu Tran, Vinh Long University of Technology Education, Vietnam

Tran Trung Hieu received BSc degree in HCMC University of Technical and Education in 2002. Currently, he works at the Ly Tu Trong College Ho Chi Minh City and is the master student of the Vinh Long University of Technical Education. His research interests include robot and modern control engineering. Email: ORCID:

Viet Trung Nguyen, Vinh Long University of Technology Education, Vietnam

Nguyen Viet Trung received BSc degree in Vinh Long University of Technical Education in 2018, and MSc degree in Vinh Long University of Technical Education in 2021. Currently, he works at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vinh Long University of Technical Education. His research interests include electric motor, Microcontrollers, Embedded System and Atificial Neural Network. Email: ORCID:

Thuy Trang Tran Thi, Vinh Long University of Technology Education, Vietnam

Tran Thi Thuy Trang received BSc degree in Vinh Long University of Technical Education in 2019, and MSc degree in Vinh Long University of Technical Education in 2022. Currently, she works at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vinh Long University of Technical Education. Her research interests include robot, Microcontrollers and modern control engineering. Email: ORCID:

Thanh Tung Pham, Vinh Long University of Technology Education, Vietnam

Pham Thanh Tung received BSc degree in EE at Mekong University in 2004, and MSc degree in Automation at Ho Chi Minh City University of Transportation in 2010. The degree of Ph.D. was award by the Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Vietnam, in 2019. Currently, he works at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vinh Long University of Technical Education. His research interests include robot, intelligent and modern control engineering. Email: ORCID:


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How to Cite

Trần Trung Hiếu, Nguyễn Việt Trung, Trần Thị Thùy Trang, & Phạm Thanh Tùng. (2024). Performance Evaluation of a PID Sliding Surface and Radial Basis Function Neural Network for Mobile Robot. Journal of Technical Education Science, 19(05), 22–32.



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